ICCE-11 NEWSLETTER dated June 21, 2004
Eleventh International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering
(among the largest "Technical" composite materials conferences in the world in 2004)
August 8-14, 2004 in Hilton-head island, South Carolina, USA
(1) We have received overwhelming response to our ICCE-11 call for papers. We are still accepting new paper titles in order to fill the vacancies created by those unavoidable withdrawals. Please inform interested colleagues to email to me the new paper titles for ICCE-11. The deadline of receipt of two-page abstract is extended to July 15, 2004 for new papers, in order to allow many more “new” paper presentations.
(2) The list of over 480 accepted paper titles of ICCE-11 can be found in the "preliminary program" of the web page, where accepted new paper titles upon reviewed, are continuously updated in the web page,
Selected papers will be published in archival journals.
(3) The Hilton-head island is an extremely beautiful island, it is in high-season for hotles. The Marriott conference hotel rate is only $86+tax per night for six nights, even though the internet hotel room rate is $300 per night.
David Hui
chair ICCE-11
June 20, 2004
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