Fifth South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics(SACAM 2006)
16-18 January 2006 Cape Town, South Africa
Organised by
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
University of Stellenbosch
University of Cape Town
The South African Conference on Applied Mechanics (SACAM) is held every two years as a forum for presenting the latest developments in all branches of applied mechanics. This is the fifth in a series of successful conferences that have been held in South Africa. The past SACAM conferences attracted both local and international participants and have proven to be excellent forums for the discussion of latest developments in applied mechanics. SACAM06 will follow in this tradition, and welcomes the participation of delegates from all parts of the world. It is aimed at bringing together scientists, engineers and applied mathematicians from academia and the industry in order to encourage scientific interchange of ideas in applied mechanics. The participation of postgraduate students is especially welcome.
Computational Methods in Mechanics
Mechanics of Vibrations
Mechanics of Composites
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Education in Applied Mechanics
Stochastic Mechanics
Structural Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Soil and Rock Mechanics
Micro-scale Mechanics
Solid Mechanics
Structural Dynamics
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Nano-scale Mechanics
15 July 2005
Abstracts (1 page)
15 August 2005
Notification of acceptance and instructions for authors
15 September 2005
Second announcement and registration information
31 October 2005
Submission of 8-page manuscripts
For more information visit