2008年IUTAM理事大会上集中讨论了申请于2009至2011年间举办IUTAM Symposium的建议书,我国由北京大学和北京国际力学中心联合申请举办的“IUTAM Symposium on Surface Effects in the Mechanics of Nanomaterials and Heterostructures”和由浙江大学申请举办的“IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics and Control”获得批准,这两个专题研讨会计划于2010年分别在北京和浙江杭州举办。相关信息如下:
IUTAM Symposium on Surface Effects in the Mechanics of Nanomaterials and Heterostructures
Organization: International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Location: Beijing, China
Event dates: 2010, no exact dates available yet
Symposium Chairman: Prof. A. (Alan) Cocks
Symposium Co-Chairman: Prof. J.-X. (Jianxiang) Wang
IUTAM Representative on Scientific Committee: Prof. B.L. (Bhushan) Karihaloo
IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics and Control
Organization: International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Location: Hangzhou, China
Event dates: 2010, no exact dates available yet
Symposium Chairman: Prof. W.Q. (Weiqiu) Zhu
Symposium Co-Chairman: Prof. Y.K. (Mike) Lin
IUTAM Representative on Scientific Committee: Prof. W. (Werner) Schiehlen
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