26-27th June 2009, Porto, Portugal
Conference Topics (not limited to):
- Biomechanical disorders;
- Orthodontics;
- Implantology;
- Aesthetics;
- Dental;
- Medical device;
- Medical image.
Invited Lecturers (not yet closed):
"Towards facial simulation"
B. Walker (Arup), L. Beldie (Arup), Y. Lu (Cardiff University), S. Richmonds (Cardiff University), J. Middleton (Cardiff University)
"Facial soft tissue modeling"
L. Beldie (Arup), Y. Lu (Cardiff University), H. X. Zhu (Cardiff University), B. Walker (Arup), S. Richmonds (Cardiff University)
"Human temporomandibular joint simulation"
A. Perez del Palomar (University of Zaragoza), M. Doblare (University of Zaragoza)
The proceedings book will be published by the Taylor & Francis Group.
The organizers will encourage the submission of extended versions of the accepted papers to related International Journals.
Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: 27th February, 2009;
Final Papers: 29th May, 2009.